Cooking with Pat was started as a way to
show the world what my mother has wanted to show them for years. Home style Mid-western cooking! Her recipes that she has handed down to her
children who have in turn have passed them down to their children.
January 30, 2012 would have marked the 58th birthday of this
incredible lady.
I want you to know who Cooking With Pat
Patricia L. Padgett was born Patricia L.
Carroll on January 30, 1954. She was
born and raised in Michigan and Indiana.
She spent her life cooking and raising 9 children. She loved her love for her children, through
hugs, kisses, words of encouragement and food.
We did not have much growing up, but my
mother always found a way to make sure we had food. There were days I can remember a time when
she would forgo dinner so that we could eat. Other days she would work miracles
with the little that we had in the cabinet.
Family was very important to my mother
Patricia L. Padgett and to show her love she cooked us some of the best meals I
have had in my life. Cooking became a
passion for my mother.
When cooking for nine kids with nine
different personalities not to mention her husband, it was sometimes difficult
to find meals and recipes that would appeal to us all. Somehow night after night we were served
meals with colorful flavors, rich and hearty and managed to calm her
rambunctious brood.
My mother’s dream was to share her
recipes and her cooking with the world.
After 56 years on this planet as one of
the most beautiful people I have ever loved or known on April 25, 2010, she
passed away from a heart attack. It was shocking to her entire family as she
did not suffer from any major medical issues. When she died an untimely death I
saw it as my duty and my responsibility to bring her dream to life.
Before her death she spent countless
hours working on her recipes. She would sit at her computer and type up every
last one. Thousands of recipes were lovingly sorted and counted and organized
for publication. This was something that
she has wanted to do for a long time.
When she died an untimely death I saw it
as my duty and my responsibility to bring her dream to life.
This year, Cooking with Pat in
coordination with First Draft Publishing, LLC a sample cookbook will be release
in eBook format so that people can sample some of her recipes before the launch
of her first book in 2013. Watch out for
the release date of this launch.
In honor of her birthday please visit American Heart Association website and
make a donation to further the research and education of heart disease. We hope
that her death was not in vain. Before
my mother passed away she complained of heartburn like pain in her chest. If
this information can help someone we will know that she left us for a reason.
To learn more or to see more of Cooking
With Pat’s recipes visit
or checkout her Facebook page CookingwithPat.